Prettier Than Pink in the US!!

Fronted by singer/songwriter/guitarist Lei Bautista, Prettier Than Pink was the most successful all-female band in the Philippines. Now resurrected in the U.S. with Bautista and a new line-up, Prettier Than Pink is bringing girl power to the neo-New Wave movement.

Saturday, August 20, 2005


wow...I'm getting pretty regular with this thang! hahaha... This could get pretty addicting. As if anyone out there really has time to read my blogs. As if I were significant to anyone else out there!

Firstly, It was another triumphant day for PTP. We are brewing a HUGE, HUGE deal that I dont want to talk about first since it might PRE EMPT it and CURSE it! HAHAHA..hopefully by next week, I'll be able to write about it. Other news that I can write about which in my opinion are huge as well.....WE GOT ADDED TO A DUBLIN STATION!?!?!?! This is still all to weird for all of us in the band?!?!?! Pam said she's not ready. Anne said she's having anxiety attacks! HAHAHA The PD (program director) of Phantom (something?!) station, a very powerful alternative station in Dublin, Ireland called Mikey up today (yes overseas phone call) to tell him that "it was one of the most unique, interesting albums" he has received in a long time! AND we are NOT in a special show. We were added to REGULAR rotation!!! KRYPTONITE (pam's song) and IRISH ROSE which is ironically a Bono tribute song!! humbling.... the PD said, even BONO of U2 listens to them when he's in town! Can you imagine that??? He will here US in his own backyard?!?!?! WEIRDDDDD!!!!!! And the song is about HIM!! HAHAHAAHA!!

We are already coming out in three major publications in the West Coast in the next 2-3 months. Westcoast Performers, Grrl Rock Magazine and Music Connection (which is a mega huge mag since all industry peeps read that). None of which are Filipino publications. I am REALLY nervous about the MC one because they are reviewing the album and are very thorough at it!!! They review the CD based on 5 different categories. I dont know how we would fair in the other categories but Im really leary of the production catgy!!! Of course, being on such a minisicule budget and doing the DIY style and getting the album done in 3 months with everyones tight skeds didn't make it easier. In fact, we really gave our mixer a huge headache mixing the album! Hahahaha. They are sooooo finicky and critical. I just know I'm going to get a whipping for the production part! It's coming out on the August 29th issue. So run to your nearest major outlet like any music store....towerrecords...guitar center....borders....heck, even 7-11 carries it!

What else? Well, I listened to my Airlia demos again last night (because Im playing some in an acoustic set tomorrow at the tribal cafe in Echo park. And I must say...I like them better than our PTP album can you believe that?!?!!? There's something about the songs that make them soooo calming. I'm excited in working on those songs again right after I finish with PTP Manila Release stuff.

So, the highlight of the night was playing for Melody's band at THE JOINT. First, we were supposed to be on stage at exactlyl 9pm. I was still on the I-10 at 9:45, getting three harassing phone calls from Dennis that they were already on stage waiting for me! HAHAHA I did wonder why it was him that was calling and not Melody. I got to the place exactly when we were going to go on stage and I found out that Melody had just arrived herself! HAHAHAA that explained Dennis' pressure panic calls! But the set was great! It was nice playing bass for a change and not having to mind anything but you're playing. No pressures at all. I had so much fun!

Okay...saturday's my first time to sing acoustic. Im singing some songs from my airlia album and a couple from the PTP. Ann is playing bongos and baron for me. Im sure that going to be fun as well. So, thats it for now I guess....So many things can happen in one day. Its amazing what you cango down in a 24 hour period. Just trully amazing. Till the next blog!

Friday, August 19, 2005

Another GREAT review of CHOPSUY

Wow! I can't really believe that this is the response to the album: Here's another one from a fellow from or you can just read it here:

Prettier Than Pink, Chop Suey (Sutton Records)


By Roger "Red" Byrne
Freelancers United, Inc.

From the opening bass and drum interplay on "Mars," it became apparent that the all-girl band Prettier Than Pink were intent on making a grand statement. Pop music was once an ambitious genre, one that could be bent out of shape and absorb a variety of inspirations without losing control of the wheel. The Beatles were the first visionaries to extend pop's reach, reaching otherworldly terrain while appealing to the rampant conservatism of the masses. Prettier Than Pink (, for all of their "Rock of the '80s" affections, is a late '60s group at heart, brimming with British Invasion harmonies and psychedelic highs.

Prettier Than Pink mix and match decades without developing a sweat; the songs progress effortlessly. As listeners we are oblivious to the amount of work it must've taken to balance the stylistic leaps that the band takes here. On "Get Up," the group cleverly transitions from '70s funk to narcotic riffs. Rarely does one hear a band these days which places such an emphasis on tight musicianship. The jangly bits in "Hair" recall the Smiths' "This Charming Man" but the band refuses to paint the picture with a single colour, adding an electrifying rock riff that drives the beat to supersonic speed.

"Kryptonite" features some of the record's finest songwriting, twisting the cliche of being infatuated with celebrity. In this case, the girl feels she is cuter than the girl her rock god has chosen. It is an achingly funny tale.

On the serious side, "Johnny Blaze" is probably the year's most demented love song. For those who don't know, Johnny Blaze is the demon-possessed anti-hero of Marvel Comics legend, a biker with a burning skull who sets criminals afire until their souls are sent to Hell. Not since Liz Phair admitted her sexual attraction to Darth Vader has their been an admission of amor this bizarre.

The '60s were about tearing down boundaries, especially in art, and this is reflected in Prettier Than Pink's Chop Suey. These women are fearless, shifting tempo and tone with the courage of an experienced sky diver. Although the record's a tad short, it's a king's feast for the ears, uniting cultures and decades with gusto and inventiveness. Posted by redbyrne at 23:29, 18 Aug 2005

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Pinoy Mentality - East and West

thoughts, thoughts...running thru my brain....

Im really really thankful for all the media outlets and emails Ive been getting from the Phils. regarding our US Album. You guys are in my heart! I always remember who help us and support us.

I also am keen on who don't. Of course, there will always be those that don't believe in PTP and thats okay. You are entitled to your own opinion.

But for those who stand behind us:My LOVE to you guys! And I will surely not forget you when we make it! The likes of Jay de Jesus of Titik Pilipino, Jason Baquilod of RadioPinoy are hard to find in the industry; untainted by the notion of being "elitist","hip" and "discriminating" music supporters. They just want to support Filipino talent in anyway they can, period-which is how its supposed to be anyways.

Some people have a notion that you have to conform to a certain attitude on stage, lifestyle off stage to be considered a critically acclaimed act. Thats balony. I remember you guys, too. It's YOU I remember when I laugh myself to success.

Someone actually told me not to wear my headset (which Ive always worn my whole career) on stage because it was not "rock and roll" and was not cool. Should I listen to his "suggestion" when in the same breath he told me honestly, he came to the concert NOT to watch our band? Okayyyy....I thought that was really funny. Sometimes people don't get it. Im not doing Music because I want to be COOL or IN. Being cool doesnt pay the bills. Besides, music is supposed to be expression right? Well I can express myself more with the headset coz my movements are not limited by a micstand. Plus singing, playing the guitar, moving on stage and fidgeting with an effects gadget ALL at the SAME TIME.....why don't you try it yourself and tell me if the headset doesnt help A LOT... any case, do I realy owe anyone an explanation?

Ive sent CD's to Manila already since email requests have been pouring in. Thanks to ABS-CBN who already reported on our new album on their morning show, magandang umaga bayan. Manila Standard's Mon Castro had a very nice article about us on July 29, 2005. We have heard word that we are going to be played on NU 107 starting next week on Cris Cruz's show. NU??? that's the biggest shock of them all! I don't recall ever being "critical" enough to be played there. Hey, but Im not complaining! It's awesome that they are! I guess we're also going to be played on Jam 88.3 and KLITE and KIller Bee in Davao. Thanks to those stations! We've gotten requests from different magazines like popsicle, pulp, etc as well as some music critics and even MTV has asked for the album. Now, I'm really curious as to what the Philippines has to say....I'm always wondering if someone will catch the things I hear on the album that I wish we did differently. So far so good. Here in the States, noone has noticed yet!

Of course, I hope its not because of my being with musicians from the underground scene, therefore making me in the company of "hipper" band mates as a Filipino writer insinuated a year ago. Much to my amusement. What did I do? I laughed at the article because obviously, he didnt even know what he was talking about. I have a lot of respect for musicians from any scene but you can ask any of my members and they would tell you that transitioning from underground to mainstream is very challenging. There's more chords, more dynamics, more shifting, more voicing, more musicianship... I want to see what these people are going to say when they listen to Chopsuey and they realize that this current release was a complete opposite of sorts. I, the pop singer, composed the more critical songs. And the girls from the otherside were the ones who came up with the pop, radio friendly songs! Nobody will believe that I wrote and composed Johnny Blaze on my own. I tell you...hahaha

Im currently negotiating with VIVA on a distribution deal for the album. Attn. Karen Baydo (counsel for VIVA) is a darling! She has been very gracious in sending me my royalty statements for the past 7 years and answering my lengthy emails diligently! Hopefully in the next two weeks we could arrive at an agreement with the album and it would be available in Manila real soon! Although the Philipine market is not our target. It is interesting to see what would happen with the album over there. Hopefully, we get to go home next year to promote it. That would definitely be FUN!

We are going to be feature on a US Westcoast magazine already in two issues. The Sept issue will announce our US release and the October issue will include an album review. Speaking of reviews, CD baby has put our album in the EDITOR'S picks category. A VERY very huge victory for the band. We've gotten a lot of hits because of that. Thanks to Derrick, CEO of CDBABY! We are now available on,, and appleitunes. website: is still under construction till this weekend at least. Thats it for now....

REVIEWED in the UK??

This is a joke right? NOT! Somebody actually appreciated the album THIS MUCH??? weirdddd..... He reviewed coldplay and gave them 4 out of 10 stars. And gave us 9??? Here's his review and you can check out the coldplay review too on ENJOY! BTW, CD is available already on for both US and international buyers.

The innocuous, Chinese-themed album cover and smiling faces on "Chop Suey" from relocated Philippine band Prettier Than Pink ( are completely deceptive. This is actually an acid-washed psychedelic record blooming with pop-punk energy and sweat-inducing funk.

"Chop Suey" opens with the cinematic punch of "Mars," a druggy jam that immediately reveals the group's intoxicating, breathtaking chemistry - frenzied percussion, mind-bending wah-wah riffs, and chunky, heart-thumping bass lines. Vocalist/guitarist Lei Bautista, clearly influenced by the Beatles, uses her voice as instrument, reflecting the sense of wonder and weirdness in the lyrics. If indie-pop is going to have its own "Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds," it might be "Mars."

However, do not get the impression that Prettier Than Pink are '60s revivalists. These lasses summon several decades of pop music as each track seems to have originated from a particular era. "Kryptonite" captures the manic energy of early '80s New Wave with its unyielding exuberance; it's as bright and shiny as a newly polished Doc Marten boot. On "Get Up," the group echoes the invigorating disco rock of late '70s Blondie but with deeply psychedelic shadings.

Amidst the gloom and drone of many of today's alternative, Prettier Than Pink have actually developed a bouncy, ironic sense of humor, especially on the jaw-droppingly funny satire "Hair" and the fork-tongued "Little Men, Big Cars." "You're right, chicks dig the car/Only if real men drive them," sings Bautista with sugar-coated sweetness on "Little Men, Big Cars," tricking listeners - including this admittedly macho Englishman - into humming along to a scathing put down. This is feminism done right - no self-righteous rubbish, merely a pop tart spiked with malice.

Listen carefully and you'll be able to discern the band's key inspirations aside from the aforementioned Beatles and Blondie; there are glimpses of Echo & the Bunnymen, Siouxsie & the Banshees, and the Smiths in the grooves but there is none of the blatant thievery that Coldplay and Franz Ferdinand are guilty of.

While much of "Chop Suey" is fun and even funny, it has its serious moments, too. The spectral "Johnny Blaze" is a black-clad ballad with a dreamy vocal from Bautista and effectively creepy percussion from Ann Connolly. "Baby" is a tender love song that owes a huge debt to the Beach Boys. However, the artistic peak of "Chop Suey" is in its climax: The epic guitar sweep and theatrical drums of "Irish Rose." If U2 had a female singer, they would've sounded like this. Capturing U2's widescreen sonics is a Herculean task that many artists aim for and fail to accomplish, yet Prettier Than Pink pull it off with grace and rejuvenating power. "Irish Rose" is spectacular.

Cheers to one of the year's most impressive records.
author: Adam Harrington


Its been around 3 weeks now since the album made its US Debut. Everything that has happened since is very, very exciting. We have been picked up by a total of 16 college radio stations across the US and a few international stations as well? It seems so easy...I don't quite understand why this is happening... Here is a synopsis of our radio coverage:

Monday, August 8th
Chop Suey added to an independent radio station in St. Louis, Missouri and Flashback Alternatives in New Jersey:
"Kryptonite" added to a commercial alternative-rock station in Seattle, WA.
Tuesday, August 9th
Chop Suey added to a college radio station in Olympia, Washington.
"Mars," "Little Men, Big Cars," and "Get Up" added to a college radio station in Walla Walla, Washington.
Chop Suey added to a college radio station in Ellensburg, Washington.
Wednesday, August 10th
Chop Suey added to an independent radio station in Seattle, Washington. Tracks to be determined.
"Little Men, Big Cars," "Kryptonite," and "Tuturu" added to a college radio station in San Antonio, Texas.
Chop Suey added to college radio stations in Houston, Texas and Amarillo, Texas.
Friday, August 12th
"Mars" and "Baby" added to a Top-40 radio station in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
"Mars" and "Irish Rose" added to a commercial alternative rock station in Saskatoon, Canada.
Saturday, August 13th
"Baby" and "Little Men, Big Cars" added to a woman's radio program in New Haven, Connecticut.

We also got added (FINALLY) to our first CA station in LA 88.9 which I was told is a very indie/ecclectic/weird/elitist station. They added the WHOLE ALBUM! Really weird....

Is that cool or is that cool? I don't know what to say...but know that GOD is behind all this for a reason I still cannot understand...