Prettier Than Pink in the US!!

Fronted by singer/songwriter/guitarist Lei Bautista, Prettier Than Pink was the most successful all-female band in the Philippines. Now resurrected in the U.S. with Bautista and a new line-up, Prettier Than Pink is bringing girl power to the neo-New Wave movement.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Pinoy Mentality - East and West

thoughts, thoughts...running thru my brain....

Im really really thankful for all the media outlets and emails Ive been getting from the Phils. regarding our US Album. You guys are in my heart! I always remember who help us and support us.

I also am keen on who don't. Of course, there will always be those that don't believe in PTP and thats okay. You are entitled to your own opinion.

But for those who stand behind us:My LOVE to you guys! And I will surely not forget you when we make it! The likes of Jay de Jesus of Titik Pilipino, Jason Baquilod of RadioPinoy are hard to find in the industry; untainted by the notion of being "elitist","hip" and "discriminating" music supporters. They just want to support Filipino talent in anyway they can, period-which is how its supposed to be anyways.

Some people have a notion that you have to conform to a certain attitude on stage, lifestyle off stage to be considered a critically acclaimed act. Thats balony. I remember you guys, too. It's YOU I remember when I laugh myself to success.

Someone actually told me not to wear my headset (which Ive always worn my whole career) on stage because it was not "rock and roll" and was not cool. Should I listen to his "suggestion" when in the same breath he told me honestly, he came to the concert NOT to watch our band? Okayyyy....I thought that was really funny. Sometimes people don't get it. Im not doing Music because I want to be COOL or IN. Being cool doesnt pay the bills. Besides, music is supposed to be expression right? Well I can express myself more with the headset coz my movements are not limited by a micstand. Plus singing, playing the guitar, moving on stage and fidgeting with an effects gadget ALL at the SAME TIME.....why don't you try it yourself and tell me if the headset doesnt help A LOT... any case, do I realy owe anyone an explanation?

Ive sent CD's to Manila already since email requests have been pouring in. Thanks to ABS-CBN who already reported on our new album on their morning show, magandang umaga bayan. Manila Standard's Mon Castro had a very nice article about us on July 29, 2005. We have heard word that we are going to be played on NU 107 starting next week on Cris Cruz's show. NU??? that's the biggest shock of them all! I don't recall ever being "critical" enough to be played there. Hey, but Im not complaining! It's awesome that they are! I guess we're also going to be played on Jam 88.3 and KLITE and KIller Bee in Davao. Thanks to those stations! We've gotten requests from different magazines like popsicle, pulp, etc as well as some music critics and even MTV has asked for the album. Now, I'm really curious as to what the Philippines has to say....I'm always wondering if someone will catch the things I hear on the album that I wish we did differently. So far so good. Here in the States, noone has noticed yet!

Of course, I hope its not because of my being with musicians from the underground scene, therefore making me in the company of "hipper" band mates as a Filipino writer insinuated a year ago. Much to my amusement. What did I do? I laughed at the article because obviously, he didnt even know what he was talking about. I have a lot of respect for musicians from any scene but you can ask any of my members and they would tell you that transitioning from underground to mainstream is very challenging. There's more chords, more dynamics, more shifting, more voicing, more musicianship... I want to see what these people are going to say when they listen to Chopsuey and they realize that this current release was a complete opposite of sorts. I, the pop singer, composed the more critical songs. And the girls from the otherside were the ones who came up with the pop, radio friendly songs! Nobody will believe that I wrote and composed Johnny Blaze on my own. I tell you...hahaha

Im currently negotiating with VIVA on a distribution deal for the album. Attn. Karen Baydo (counsel for VIVA) is a darling! She has been very gracious in sending me my royalty statements for the past 7 years and answering my lengthy emails diligently! Hopefully in the next two weeks we could arrive at an agreement with the album and it would be available in Manila real soon! Although the Philipine market is not our target. It is interesting to see what would happen with the album over there. Hopefully, we get to go home next year to promote it. That would definitely be FUN!

We are going to be feature on a US Westcoast magazine already in two issues. The Sept issue will announce our US release and the October issue will include an album review. Speaking of reviews, CD baby has put our album in the EDITOR'S picks category. A VERY very huge victory for the band. We've gotten a lot of hits because of that. Thanks to Derrick, CEO of CDBABY! We are now available on,, and appleitunes. website: is still under construction till this weekend at least. Thats it for now....


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