Prettier Than Pink in the US!!

Fronted by singer/songwriter/guitarist Lei Bautista, Prettier Than Pink was the most successful all-female band in the Philippines. Now resurrected in the U.S. with Bautista and a new line-up, Prettier Than Pink is bringing girl power to the neo-New Wave movement.

Saturday, August 20, 2005


wow...I'm getting pretty regular with this thang! hahaha... This could get pretty addicting. As if anyone out there really has time to read my blogs. As if I were significant to anyone else out there!

Firstly, It was another triumphant day for PTP. We are brewing a HUGE, HUGE deal that I dont want to talk about first since it might PRE EMPT it and CURSE it! HAHAHA..hopefully by next week, I'll be able to write about it. Other news that I can write about which in my opinion are huge as well.....WE GOT ADDED TO A DUBLIN STATION!?!?!?! This is still all to weird for all of us in the band?!?!?! Pam said she's not ready. Anne said she's having anxiety attacks! HAHAHA The PD (program director) of Phantom (something?!) station, a very powerful alternative station in Dublin, Ireland called Mikey up today (yes overseas phone call) to tell him that "it was one of the most unique, interesting albums" he has received in a long time! AND we are NOT in a special show. We were added to REGULAR rotation!!! KRYPTONITE (pam's song) and IRISH ROSE which is ironically a Bono tribute song!! humbling.... the PD said, even BONO of U2 listens to them when he's in town! Can you imagine that??? He will here US in his own backyard?!?!?! WEIRDDDDD!!!!!! And the song is about HIM!! HAHAHAAHA!!

We are already coming out in three major publications in the West Coast in the next 2-3 months. Westcoast Performers, Grrl Rock Magazine and Music Connection (which is a mega huge mag since all industry peeps read that). None of which are Filipino publications. I am REALLY nervous about the MC one because they are reviewing the album and are very thorough at it!!! They review the CD based on 5 different categories. I dont know how we would fair in the other categories but Im really leary of the production catgy!!! Of course, being on such a minisicule budget and doing the DIY style and getting the album done in 3 months with everyones tight skeds didn't make it easier. In fact, we really gave our mixer a huge headache mixing the album! Hahahaha. They are sooooo finicky and critical. I just know I'm going to get a whipping for the production part! It's coming out on the August 29th issue. So run to your nearest major outlet like any music store....towerrecords...guitar center....borders....heck, even 7-11 carries it!

What else? Well, I listened to my Airlia demos again last night (because Im playing some in an acoustic set tomorrow at the tribal cafe in Echo park. And I must say...I like them better than our PTP album can you believe that?!?!!? There's something about the songs that make them soooo calming. I'm excited in working on those songs again right after I finish with PTP Manila Release stuff.

So, the highlight of the night was playing for Melody's band at THE JOINT. First, we were supposed to be on stage at exactlyl 9pm. I was still on the I-10 at 9:45, getting three harassing phone calls from Dennis that they were already on stage waiting for me! HAHAHA I did wonder why it was him that was calling and not Melody. I got to the place exactly when we were going to go on stage and I found out that Melody had just arrived herself! HAHAHAA that explained Dennis' pressure panic calls! But the set was great! It was nice playing bass for a change and not having to mind anything but you're playing. No pressures at all. I had so much fun!

Okay...saturday's my first time to sing acoustic. Im singing some songs from my airlia album and a couple from the PTP. Ann is playing bongos and baron for me. Im sure that going to be fun as well. So, thats it for now I guess....So many things can happen in one day. Its amazing what you cango down in a 24 hour period. Just trully amazing. Till the next blog!


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