Prettier Than Pink in the US!!

Fronted by singer/songwriter/guitarist Lei Bautista, Prettier Than Pink was the most successful all-female band in the Philippines. Now resurrected in the U.S. with Bautista and a new line-up, Prettier Than Pink is bringing girl power to the neo-New Wave movement.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

A Blondied GOGOed NIGHT!! about surreal! Last night Ann and I went down to the TROUBADOUR to watch Gogo's Cathy Valentine's set! What a night! They were fronted by "the ettes" (not impressed) and the randies (very impressed!)

Let's not talk about "the ettes" because I don't like talking bad about anyone. THe Randies on the other hand were awesome. I was so impressed by their lead singer's stage presence, as well as the other ladies on guitars. Their drummer was good too and was the only guy on the band. I was particuarly impressed by the lead singer's ability to rock it out while playing melodic bass lines! Yes, she is a bassist and damn good at it!

But of course, the highlight of the night was when Cathy came on. God can she play that Fender Stat like a real pro!! To think she's the gogo's bassist!! Not only did they pack out the troubador but its the best $10 I had spent for (oops, I actually owe Ann for the entrance because it was cash only and i NEVER have cash on me!hahaha). Not only was Jane Wiedlin who'w probably a wee 4'10 and Charlotte there but Blondie's drummer CLem Burke backed her up together with Vicki Peterson of the Bangles!!!! Oh was it a bad day for me to have a camera with no flash! Therefore no pictures with them! I did get to talk to Clem and Kathy, got their autographs, put my two cents in about PTP and gave them copies of PTP CD. Clem said that he would definitely listen to it! I told him, maybe he could help us out with some of his "friends". hehehe

Its so nice to come to a laid back place like this and meet your music influences in the flesh! Im not much of a fan girl but I WAS LAST NIGHT!!! oh my GOD!!! I am heavily influenced by the Gogo's!! PTP covered MOST their HITS! I am a big fan of Blondie as well, so imagine what a night we had!!! Of course, Mikey, is dying of envy because he loves Clem and I even shook his hand and chatted with him for awhile! Eat your heart out, baby! hahaha....

Only in LA can you have a really once in life time opportunity like this! Dang...I'm beggining to feel at home now....I love LA....LA ROCKS!


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