Prettier Than Pink in the US!!

Fronted by singer/songwriter/guitarist Lei Bautista, Prettier Than Pink was the most successful all-female band in the Philippines. Now resurrected in the U.S. with Bautista and a new line-up, Prettier Than Pink is bringing girl power to the neo-New Wave movement.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Mid Year Updates

No it realy five months since the last blog?!?! Well, what can I say about PTP right now but all the ducks are alligned in one row. We have a new and improved website which is around 90% operational. All put together and uploaded by yours trully. With of course the help of my five month baby, G5.

We have new photos, the best US-PTP lineup yet and we've had really good, decent shows these last couple of months. Our AZ gigs where so much fun and the crowd just embraced our music. Luv ya AZ peeps. The weather was just scorching at 105 degrees! But thats probably because we were there to heat things up! hehehe

We just played at downtown LA's City Hall for the Phil. Independence celebration. That was pretty cool too with a cultural performance that was nostalgic for us, Filipino band members.

Right now, its all about the UK! All roads lead to Europe! We are now on international major label territory and its only the beginning of things to come! Check out our tour dates for Europe at our myspace page. Thats where you can get all the updates!!

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Album updates!

Just to keep ubreast with whats been happening. Despite the change in band membership, things have still been going great in terms of how the album is moving forward. We're are still getting rave reviews in the UK. And now, three major labels in the Philippines are interested in licensing/releasing us in the P.I. The biggest news yet is there are two US MAJOR labels that are now interested in picking us up! Isn't that surreal? How is that possible?!???! We're not even directly targeting the Major labels.

The first label, we've been in contact with them since around Oct. and this new one is based out of NY and found out about us in an annual programme director's convention for college radio stations. For some reason, our band came up and were branded the "alternative rock version of Spice girls'! Hey, I'll take it. Im not a fan of the Spice girls talent wise but don't mind running away with what they had accumulated in their bank accounts on a very short career. That would not be bad at all! So keep praying for us so we can put Filipino talent on the international market!

New Year, New Drummer!

Woo hooo! Looks like we have a great match! Her name is Holly. She's pretty, has a great attitude and can damn play great drums! And learns the songs fast! Very professional and enthusiastic about life in general. And her style is exactly what we're looking for. The eighties style of banging the drums! We're excited to have her join the PTP family! She'll be playing with us at the Jan 21 gig at Redondo beach. That will surely be fun! I'll post pictures soon!

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

ROCK'N Xmas in Tribal Cafe!

TRIBAL CAFE XMAS!!! Gosh, all our gigs have been lotsa fun!! WE brought the house down again in tribal cafe!! It was a different crowd since the Fil-am regulars had a gig in Cerritos. Got to hang with Cryedsa and other newer bands! Tanya brought the house down with her Marlyn Monroe rendition of Santa Baby to the crowd's roars and applause! Of course, the tapsilog was delicious and so was the mango smoothie I had and the Slurpee thanks to Chey and ZEE. Thanks also to Carl(ita) of Ben Paltik who has been generously lending his talents to us this past couple of weeks. We are still looking for a female DRUMMER! Thanks to Cedric for the invite to play as always! Enjoy the pictures!

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We had an AWESOME FUN GIG at the IRWINDALE Speedway on Dec 17th! The

raceway was PACKED! We had a great show then we went on to watch the

DRIFTING Exhibition of Japan and the US' top drifting drivers! There

was so much adrenalin that day! A lot of press people were there as

well, taking our photos! Till next time!
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Thursday, December 15, 2005


AH yes! I'm getting a hang of this BLOGGIN' THANG!!!

Here's our show this SATURDAY!!! CAR RACING!!! wuuu huuu!!
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This is our show for Dec 23, 2003 brought to you by Ric Angeles and the rest of da boys! I dunno what happened to the flyer. Its pretty messed up!

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This AWESOME Flyer for Tribal Cafe on Dec 30, 2005 brought to you by Hook Music Prod'ns. I like the idea that there are only 3 bands instead of 10. hehehe!
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The whole band is not playing but I guess Cedric wanted us to be his PROMO GIRLS for New Year's Eve so I'll probably make a cameo appearance and JAM with whoever over there! It'll be a BLAST!Image hosted by

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Depeche Mode a week later

Like watching U2 wasn't enough, Mikey scored me two tickets to watch Depeche Mode at the Staples Center. I took Melanie (new bassist) with me. We were late because we had rehearsals for a show the next day but hey I was only there for one song. And I got to hear it so Im happy. The song was somebody. Thats all I really wanted to hear. We were an hour late and had 45 minutes left of the concert but that's all the time we needed to take great pictures, buy a shirt for pam and see depeche mode's lead singer perform without a shirt on. The u2 concert was still a better concert, no doubt! But hey, at least once in my life...I can say I watched Depeche Mode as well! Only in America will you be able to do these things. Its so close you can touch it! Just like last year when we went to the KROQ 2004 inland invasion concert! That was amazing as well. All the 80's bands were there like Tears for Fears, Devo, Billy Idol, Souxie and the Creatures, Flock of Seagulls, etc! Only in California!! wuuu huuu!!! I love it here!

Happenings continued - Brief Review of U2

This is longggggg overdue hahaha! Pam, Doe, Ann and I made it to the U2 concert not on my bday (nov 1) but on Pam's (nov 9). I had to get a rental and drive 5 hours to SFO with the kids just to catch U2 at the Oakland Arena. Dang was it worth every second! Because of the many 'kapalpakans' and not being able to watch the LA show, I was so skeptical and doubtful that I would be able to them for real. But once my ticket was checked and my bag was lightly searched, I was in the stadium!!! I started jumping up and down and screaming with joy! My struggle to see them was fini!

Dang, our seats were great! We were at a disability box worth $160 each. We didnt have to squeeze in with everyone else. We had so much room to move around! Bono was so close, I swear he was looking at me several times! (obviously, that just me) hahahaha They had a circular stage and a circualar ramp, much like a target and bullseye. It was donned with dancing and flickering lights all around. It was just amazing! When they started playing, I for sure had a few tears in my eyes. The feeling was pure elation!! They were all great! The lights display, the big screens, the crusade to irradicate poverty, bono's presence on stage, the tight band. Everything was perfect! What more can I say. A LOT! But this blog will be 10 times longer! Thanks to Bono's publicist, Kate for getting us tickets! Of course thanks to Mikey for working on them. That was the best bday gift Pam and I have received! Im sure there will be more great experiences to write about!

Oct-Nov 2005 Happenings

Gosh, its been awhile since I last posted a blog here! Its really amazing how so much can happen in two months. Firstly, we are saddened that Melody and Ann have parted ways with the band. Melody's last gig was our Tribal Cafe Halloween gig which was so much fun anyways! We went as the super friends. I was Super girl, Ann was bat girl, Tanya was Wonder Woman (crowd favorite) and Melody was (sexy) catwoman. Thank God that right after Melody said she had to part ways with the band due to scheduling conflict with her other priorities, Melanie was sent as a uber uber blessing to the band. She also jammed with us that night (in her ultra sexy catwoman outfit!) rowrl!!!

A week after that, Ann decided that the band was not moving in the direction she wanted and parted ways as well. Thanks to our saviours Jay of Brown Sugar and Carl of Ben Paltik who lent us their talents on some shows that we had to continue on doing. Pictures of which I hope I know how to post here. These are pictures from the awesome, fun gig at THE GIG!

I was touched to see a lot of supporters that night, Mario, Cedrick, Alonzo, Chey, Z, Sam, and a whole buncha other "scene" dudes. We went to eat thai afterwards. That was a great gig!

Monday, September 19, 2005

Back to back to back

That's what our weekend was like! First, we had the introvoys repeat show last friday at the Win LA Auditorium. Then BBKings on Saturday afternoon and Tribal Cafe at night. It was all successful of course with improvements (always) that we can do for the next time. We were armed with video and digital cameras to make sure we recorded everything! Our outfits were so much fun. We wore pink polka dot dresses on friday and camouflage corsets for the bbkings show. We ended the busy weekend with a set at the Tribal cafe with all the other Fil-Am artists. Thanks to everyone that supported us, we had a blast!

Right now, Im currently listening to Rodney on the ROQ hoping we get played and trying my darnest best to stay awake! So we'll just have to wait and see. Its halfway thru his show and the clock goes tick tock tick tock. I've never listened to his show before and it is sooooo 80's he is currently playing awesome songs. So, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he plays us!

Thursday, September 15, 2005

A Blondied GOGOed NIGHT!! about surreal! Last night Ann and I went down to the TROUBADOUR to watch Gogo's Cathy Valentine's set! What a night! They were fronted by "the ettes" (not impressed) and the randies (very impressed!)

Let's not talk about "the ettes" because I don't like talking bad about anyone. THe Randies on the other hand were awesome. I was so impressed by their lead singer's stage presence, as well as the other ladies on guitars. Their drummer was good too and was the only guy on the band. I was particuarly impressed by the lead singer's ability to rock it out while playing melodic bass lines! Yes, she is a bassist and damn good at it!

But of course, the highlight of the night was when Cathy came on. God can she play that Fender Stat like a real pro!! To think she's the gogo's bassist!! Not only did they pack out the troubador but its the best $10 I had spent for (oops, I actually owe Ann for the entrance because it was cash only and i NEVER have cash on me!hahaha). Not only was Jane Wiedlin who'w probably a wee 4'10 and Charlotte there but Blondie's drummer CLem Burke backed her up together with Vicki Peterson of the Bangles!!!! Oh was it a bad day for me to have a camera with no flash! Therefore no pictures with them! I did get to talk to Clem and Kathy, got their autographs, put my two cents in about PTP and gave them copies of PTP CD. Clem said that he would definitely listen to it! I told him, maybe he could help us out with some of his "friends". hehehe

Its so nice to come to a laid back place like this and meet your music influences in the flesh! Im not much of a fan girl but I WAS LAST NIGHT!!! oh my GOD!!! I am heavily influenced by the Gogo's!! PTP covered MOST their HITS! I am a big fan of Blondie as well, so imagine what a night we had!!! Of course, Mikey, is dying of envy because he loves Clem and I even shook his hand and chatted with him for awhile! Eat your heart out, baby! hahaha....

Only in LA can you have a really once in life time opportunity like this! Dang...I'm beggining to feel at home now....I love LA....LA ROCKS!