Prettier Than Pink in the US!!

Fronted by singer/songwriter/guitarist Lei Bautista, Prettier Than Pink was the most successful all-female band in the Philippines. Now resurrected in the U.S. with Bautista and a new line-up, Prettier Than Pink is bringing girl power to the neo-New Wave movement.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Mid Year Updates

No it realy five months since the last blog?!?! Well, what can I say about PTP right now but all the ducks are alligned in one row. We have a new and improved website which is around 90% operational. All put together and uploaded by yours trully. With of course the help of my five month baby, G5.

We have new photos, the best US-PTP lineup yet and we've had really good, decent shows these last couple of months. Our AZ gigs where so much fun and the crowd just embraced our music. Luv ya AZ peeps. The weather was just scorching at 105 degrees! But thats probably because we were there to heat things up! hehehe

We just played at downtown LA's City Hall for the Phil. Independence celebration. That was pretty cool too with a cultural performance that was nostalgic for us, Filipino band members.

Right now, its all about the UK! All roads lead to Europe! We are now on international major label territory and its only the beginning of things to come! Check out our tour dates for Europe at our myspace page. Thats where you can get all the updates!!