Prettier Than Pink in the US!!

Fronted by singer/songwriter/guitarist Lei Bautista, Prettier Than Pink was the most successful all-female band in the Philippines. Now resurrected in the U.S. with Bautista and a new line-up, Prettier Than Pink is bringing girl power to the neo-New Wave movement.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Im back online w/ some ChopSuey

Hello there...anyone... who like me, has time to surf the net and see what's what. I don't know if you're going to be entertained by my journals. I don't really care, though your comments are welcome. I'm really doing this for me. Not for anything else. I have found writing to be therapeutic at times when I feel anxious, lazy, angry, stressed, bored, none of which apply to me right now but the latter. Why online? Coz its the wave of the future, that's why!

ahem, ahem...

For the first time in my 31 years of existence, I am not running from anything or searching for something. There's something about turning 30. I feel more grounded than ever. I am at total peace with myself, my life. You'll soon find out in succeeding blogs why. Not on this one. I don't feel like talking about my journey just yet. I just want to talk about this....

I started a blog a year ago when I was early in the planning stage of reviving Prettier Than Pink. I was also finishing up my Christian project, Airlia which is currently in the back burner in lieu of PTP's urgency. And now, five days after the birth of our first US release, I find myself writing again. Now, with the album out of the oven, I can take a deep breath before engaging in the next gruelling phase of the project--promoting.

I guess, you can say, I have finally come full circle with PTP. My last, ultimate dream for the band (which I thought I completely dropped six years ago) was to go international. To get recognized in a non-Filipino market. To be able to showcase to the world what Filipino talent is made of. I want to walk into the Grammy's proud that I'm Filipino born and raised and that I can be recognized side by side respected American artists. Nothing is impossible if we think it. If we so desire it. If we plan our strategy. Everything started with just a thought and a clear definite executable plan. I think I've finally made the album that is going to do just that. IT IS FINISHED! HOME RUN!

Its called Chop Suey. A very appropriate name, thought of by Pam (my ex-keltscross guitarist) after I talked to her about possible album names. I first brought up "Halo-halo" or something to that idea because our album was just that, halo-halo. In English, mix-mix. Firstly, PTP's lineup right now is a mixture of equally exemplary yet uniquely talented femmes which gives justice to the album title. Pam hails from the punk scene of Manila, and was the princess of the underground music arena. Melody, who plays bass with me, was the haunting voice behind the highly acclaimed, multi-awarded Sugar Hiccup whose influences range from the Doors to Cocteau Twins and a lot more Gothic genres. And to throw in a very interesting ingredient in the mix,there's Ann Marie of Irish descent. Such a determined musician, dedicated to growing as a versatile drummer.( Funny because she doesn't even know it but her indigenous Irish roots alone have hugely contributed to our epic, new wave, big drum sound.) Then we tossed in ten songs (literally), none sounding remotely like the other and you have a dish so delectable, you can't help yourself from another serving of it! And so Chop Suey becomes part of your life.

Not even a week into it's release and without yet launching our massive promo campaign, we are already getting raves about the album; from radio programmers to music directors to renowned music critics. This is a sigh of relief for me who always seems to suffer from, as I call it, post recording depression (for lack of a better word). For some reason, after I am finished with a musical project, I am never happy with it. (There MUST be a term out there to describe it!! HELP!) I always get this feeling of wanting to either scrap the whole project or redoing the whole album. I guess it stems from working with the album too closely. Editing them on protools is no fun. Composing and playing and arranging and producing the entirety on such a limited budget in the 'do-it-yourself' fashion probably just burnt me out to a point where I can't enjoy the songs anymore. Sorta like, stepping out to admire the forrest-- I couldn't because of looking too closely at the trees and their imperfections.

To give you examples of comments we've gotten:'s DJ Ed based in NJ has put our songs on his playlist already and is raving about Little Men, Big Cars which I was having such a challenge arranging. In fact,a radio station from Siberia (in Europe) heard us on Flashback and has requested for our CD already. The same goes for Radiopinoy's (NJ) Jason Baquilod who had a lot of positive comments about the said song and had debuted our album last Sunday on his morning show on Seattle's 1077 KNDD's Phil Manning (who's 'only' the 2ND most influential radio programmer in the US, second to KROQ) loves "Kryptonite" composed by Pam, and compared me to Garbage's lead singer (whatever her name is). Mark of Check one two, a local radio program on indie 103.1 based in Sta. Monica has agreed to play us on his show as well. Ira Robbins of Trouser Press Guide compared my singing to a late seventies new wave singer named "something Sweet". Of course, I am never good with artists and their names.But you get my drift. He is sending us a review of the album as well. How exciting is that? It'll just be a matter of time before our songs will be heard over American airwaves. Another historical milestone for Filipinos. How about this....Our very first music video will be directed by Gerry, bassist of the popular eccentric waver group, DEVO popular for songs like "Whip It". Yes, he is ecstatic that we have a DEVO tribute song (MARS) and has even volunteered to appear in the video itself!!! Sounds surreal? Of course it does!

We've received numerous request for CD reviews, interviews and CD copies from various Philippine news agencies and radio stations such as MTV inc. pulp magazine, manila standard, manila star, Jam 88.3, 99.5RT, to name a few. The list goes on. We've gotten several offers for licensing thru major labels in Manila...blah, blah, blah. Such tremendous support from so many people. It just inspires me to go for it and go for the gold. And gold I am aiming for. What is my next goal? To put first, $100k in my band members pockets within a year and then, as if that's not enough (and it isn't) I want to put $1M in each of their pockets! Did you hear that girls? YES. I will not stop until that is fulfilled. That is my promise to all of you. Mind you, this is not for the faint of heart because a lot of work lies ahead. There's no such thing as a free lunch. There's always a price to pay.

Of course, I can't forget to credit the person that has supported me 150% percent of the way, who is more connected in the music industry than anyone can ever be. Ever since meeting this man, my life has gone for the better knowing for certain that he was a gift from heaven. Everything just fell into place in my life direction and my pursuit of music was rekindled by his own love for music and the artists behind them. He is none other than 'the' Michael Sutton who not so long ago, received a very cheap, second hand, old, unwound cassette tape with my voice and guitars that was passed along to him as my demo. He immediately wanted to sign me to a recording contract under the label he was then working for. Unknowing to both of us that time, the contract we would be both signing was a marriage contract! hahaha. Of course, it was not our plan to go down that route but His and all we can do is follow His divine will and plan for us. Ever since our obedience to His call, blessings have been pouring in both of our lives like water gushing from a broken pipe. Uncontrollable, uncontainable, unending...I thank God for my Mikey...

Hmmm....I think that's all for now, I'm going to turn in, I'm sleepy....our official website will be up soon but for now, you can check us out at hit me back if you want a copy of our cd. It will also be available on CD BABY and Apple Itunes in a couple of days. Good night and God Bless!